Short name of the specification

ISO IEC 23003-4 (DRC)

Full name of the specification

Information technology — MPEG audio technologies — Part 4: Dynamic range control.
Latest known version is ISO IEC 23003-4:2020.
You can buy this specification.


This document specifies technology for loudness and dynamic range control. It is applicable to most MPEG audio technologies. It offers flexible solutions to efficiently support the widespread demand for technologies such as loudness normalization and dynamic range compression for various playback scenarios.

List of elements with at least one check


List of checks involving this specification

(container format) (container element) (container value) does not match (content format) (content element) (content value)
(container format) (container element) (container value) does not match (content format) (content element) (content value)
Default loudness is present (value) times but only 1 instance is recommended
loudnessInfoSet contains a mix of v0 and v1 loudnessInfo
loudnessInfoCount is 0
loudnessInfoSet is missing
(effect) isn't in at least one DRC
(methodDefinition-measurementSystem) is present (value) times but only 1 instance is recommended
(field) (value) is known as reserved in (specificiation)
None of program loudness or anchor loudness is present in default loudnessInfo
Version (value) shall not be used