
QCTools is a software tool that helps users analyze and understand their digitized video files through use of audiovisual analytics and filtering.
Initially funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Knight Foundation; designed and led by Dave Rice and the Bay Area Video Coalition; developed by MediaArea, Fabio Utzig, Alexander Ivash.
Version 1.1 with a redesigned player is brought to you by New York Public Library.
Version 1.2 with support of panel tracks and QCVault is brought to you by Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology (TIB).

Version 1.3.1
Other versions (packaging, OS, interface...) are also available (Microsoft Windows macOS Debian Ubuntu Linux Mint RedHat Enterprise Linux CentOS Fedora openSUSE ArchLinux Flatpak)
See ChangeLog or very latest snapshots

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QCTools graphing features:

QCTools offers a variety of graphing features including:

  • YUV Values
  • Temporal Outliers (TOUT)
  • Vertical Line Repetitions (VREP)
  • Broadcast Range (BRNG)
  • Crop Width and Height (CropW and CropH)
  • Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNRf)
  • Mean Square Error (MSEf) differences per frame.
  • ...Learn more...

QCTools playback filters:

The QCTools preview window is intended as an analytical playback environment that allows the user to review video through multiple filters simultaneously. The playback window includes two viewing windows which may be set to different combinations of filters.

  • Histogram
  • Waveform
  • Waveform Target
  • Line Select
  • Vectorscope
  • Vectorscope Target
  • Extract Planes Equalized
  • Extract Planes UV Equalized
  • Bit Plan
  • Bit Plane Noise
  • Value Highlight
  • Saturation Highlight
  • Vectorscope
  • ...Learn more...


It is Open-Source software which means that end users and developers have freedom to study, to improve and to redistribute the program (GPLv3 license for the whole program, 3-Clause BSD license for the code developed by BAVC).