Short name of this field



Incompatibile with specifications and leading for sure to playback issues, for example:
- conflict in specification with a sentence containing "must"
- some parts of the specification imply constraints on specific fields
- obviously problematic values leading to playback issue on allmost all or all players

List of checks involving this severity

(content element) is (content element value for independent) but (container element for IPF) or (container element for IF) does not indicate this frame is independent.
usacIndependencyFlag is 0 for first UsacFrame inside AudioPreRoll
(container format) (container element) (container value) does not match (content format) (content element) (content value)
usacIndependencyFlag is 1 but MP4 stts or (container format) (container element for independent frame (IF)) does not indicate this frame is independent
(container format) (container element) (container field) (container value) does not match (content format) (content element) (content field) (content value)
AudioPreRoll is not present so this frame is an independent frame (IF) but (container format) (container element for independent frame (IF)) does not indicate this frame as such
auLen is 0 but preroll frame shall not be empty
Bitstream parsing ran out of data to read before the end of the syntax was reached, most probably the bitstream is malformed
AudioPreRoll usacExtElementPresent is 1 for AudioPreRoll inside AudioPreRoll
(container format) (container element for immediate play-out frame (IPF)) or (container format) (container element for independent frame (IF)) does not indicate this frame is independent but (content format) (content element) (content field) (value) indicates this frame is independent
(container format) (container element for immediate play-out frame (IPF)) indicates this frame is an immediate play-out frame (IPF) but (content format) (content element) (content field) (value) indicates this frame is not an immediate play-out frame (IPF)
(container format) (container element for independent frame (IF)) indicates this frame is an independent frame (IF) but (content format) (content element) (content field) (value ) indicates this frame is not an independent frame (IF)
(container format) (container element for immediate play-out frame (IPF)) does not indicate this frame is an immediate play-out frame (IPF) but USAC AudioPreRoll is present
(container format) (container element for independent frame (IF)) indicates this frame is an independent frame (IF) but USAC AudioPreRoll is present
(container format) (container element for immediate play-out frame (IPF)) indicates this frame is an immediate play-out frame (IPF) but USAC AudioPreRoll is not present
(container format) (container element for independent frame (IF)) does not indicate this frame is an independent frame (IF) but USAC AudioPreRoll is not present
AudioPreRoll usacExtElementConfigLength is 1 but only 0 is allowed
AudioPreRoll usacExtElementDefaultLengthPresent is 1 but only 0 is allowed
AudioPreRoll usacExtElementPayloadFrag is 1 but only 0 is allowed
AudioPreRoll is present in position (value) but only presence in position 0 is allowed
AudioPreRoll usacExtElementUseDefaultLength is 1 but only 0 is allowed
numPreRollFrames is (numPreRollFrames value) but <= 3 is required
roll_distance is (roll_distance value) but > 0 is required
roll_distance is (roll_distance value) but <= 3 is required
(container format) (container element) (container field) (container value) does not permit (content format) (content element) (container value) (content value)
channelConfigurationIndex (value) implies element order (expected channel config order)
(container format) (container element) (container field) (container value) does not match (content format) (content element) (container value) (content value)
channelConfigurationIndex (value) is used but the usacElementType sequence contains (channel config order), which is the configuration indicated by channelConfigurationIndex (expected value)
(container format) (container element) (container value) does not match (content format) (content element) (content value)
loudnessInfoSet is missing
(effect) isn't in at least one DRC
Issue detected while computing (element with issue)
None of program loudness or anchor loudness is present in default loudnessInfo
Version (value) shall not be used
numOutChannels is (value) but the usacElementType sequence contains (value) channels
(container format) (container element) (container field) (container value) does not permit that the usacElementType sequence starts with SCE CPE
(field) (value) is present (value) times but only 1 instance is permitted
(field) (value) is already used by another (item)
(attribute name) attribute is not present (extra spec name if needed)
(attribute name) attribute is present (extra spec name if needed)
(element name) element is not present (extra spec name if needed)
(element name) element is present (extra spec name if needed)
(subelement name) subelement count (subelement count) is not permitted, (min or max) is (max count) (extra spec name if needed)
(element name) (topic name) value (actual value) is not permitted, permitted value(permitted values) (extra spec name if needed)
(element name) element count (element count) is not permitted, (min or max) is (max count) (extra spec name if needed)
(element name) value (element value) shall match the (target attribue name) attribute of a(target element name) element
(element name) value (element value) shall be unique
(attribute name) attribute with (substring) value (attribute value) not same as (attribute name) attribute (substring) value (attribute value) (extra spec name if needed)
(subelement name) subelement with (substring) value (subelement value) not same as (attribute name) attribute (substring) value (attribute value) (extra spec name if needed)
(attribute name) attribute value (attribute value) is not a valid form ((the valid form))
(attribute name) attribute value (attribute value) shall be (expected value) in order to match the term corresponding to (other attribute name) attribute value (other attribute value)
(attribute name) attribute value (attribute value) is not permitted, permitted value(permitted values) (extra spec name if needed)
(subelement name) order (computed target order) is not permitted (extra spec name if needed)
(attribute name) attribute is present but empty
(element name) element value (element value) does not match corresponding(element name) element value (element value) (extra spec name if needed)
(element names) elements are not all present (extra spec name if needed)
(element names) element values are not same (extra spec name if needed)