Donate to MediaInfo - Please!
MediaInfo is free software, so why donate?
Since MediaInfo is freeware, there are no sales or other revenues;
thus your donation is the best way to encourage the author and
to enable him to continue developing the project.
In order for MediaInfo to continue in full-time development your support is requested,
and your help will be greatly appreciated.
Via Credit Cards or Paypal
We have located you in "United States" your payment will be made in "USD".
Contact us if we have not located you correctly.
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Via Flattr
Via Liberapay
Support us on Patreon
Via wire transfer (Eurozone only)
Donations can be made within Eurozone via wire transfer.
My Bank information -
Name : Jérôme Martinez
IBAN : FR76 3000 3038 4500 0502 5346 889
Don't forget to put your e-mail address in the wire transfer description!
Financially embarrassed? Nothing in your pockets except your fingers? You can still contribute! ;-)
You can participate in a worthwhile way in the MediaInfo project without needing cash through such activities as:
- Translating MediaInfo into your native language or make improvements to the existing translations,
- Translating this website into your native language or make improvements to the existing translations,
- Creating beautiful HTML templates for MediaInfo's output,
- Creating beautiful icons for MediaInfo,
- Sending me multimedia files which are not well handled by MediaInfo,
- Sending me formats of multimedia containers - I might be able to implement them better,
- Programming some useful functions (use the latest version of SVN please). MediaInfo is written in C++,
- Helping to support currently non-supported platforms (Linux, Win64...),
- What else can you think of?
Don't hesitate to
contact us if you're interested in contributing in any way!